Sisterlines Space in Time
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got." Mark Twain.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Well I missed the birth of the goslings...I guess on Thursday, the 21st she had a couple that had hatched under her wing, and was waiting for the rest. I came into work on Monday to do some things and I came with my camera in tow so I could get some good shots.....and there was nothing there. So she hatched them all and took them all down to the river that runs behind our offices. I'll keep my fingers for next year, or maybe when they get a bit bigger they will be trucking around back on the bank of the river behind the office. So today when I came into work, I parked my car in my usual spot in the parking garage, (which is on Perth Drive hence the name PDC) and as I was walking toward the stairwell door, I saw this "splotch" on the wall - it looked like a big chunk of mud - but I thought why would there be mud in there and that high on the I got a big closer and look at what it was!!!!
A Bat!!!! not sure what it means that it is there and it is daytime...but I am gonna keep my distance from him either way! I know bats are good to get rid of bugs and stuff...but man they are UGLY!!!!! Even though... I think I might name him Edward (after the dude from Twilight....not you Dad!!!! if you are reading this!) Chow for now Jacqui
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Remembering Poppa
Today would have been my Poppa's birthday. I think of him often and I wonder if he were still here if he and Granny would still be living in their house in Parkhill, or if they would be sharing a room at the nursing home.
He was so much fun and we spent so much time with him and Granny, I don't have many memories where they are not included.
I miss you Poppa,

I miss you Poppa,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Uncle Mel.
Well...his birthday was actually yesterday, but I wasn't around a computer to get his picture and card uploaded. We celebrated his birthday on the 9th of April when we celebrated Granny's and Jade's and Aunt Brenda's too! We have a lot of April birthdays in our family. I love this picture of Uncle Mel and my Mom.
This is the card I whipped up for him.
I have had this Harley paper kicking around for a while now...I'm glad I finally got to put it to some use. Chow for now. Jacqui

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Back Again!!
This is the third year in a row that Lucy and Drake have decided to nest in our large planter that is on the side of our parking garage structure.
Apparently geese partner for life and they always return to their nesting place each year. Last year the eggs hatched when I was away for a few days, so I hope she can hold on until I get back to work on Tuesday. I bring them a margarine container full of corn every day!
They gobble it up happily - although they hiss at me when I come near them.
There are 5 eggs in the nest that I can see - I'm not sure if there are more buried deeper or not.
Chow for now Jacqui
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Happy Birthday Granny
My Granny turns 92 today! We had our family birthday party for her this past weekend. She is having some knee pain and so they have switched up her meds a bit, so she was a little out of sorts, but it was good to spend time with her. This is the card I made for her.
She loved it!
She looks great.
Chow for now,

She looks great.
Chow for now,
Monday, April 11, 2011
Country Strong
We watched the movie Country Strong. I was impressed. I had heard Gwyneth Paltrow sing on Glee and she wasn't too bad on that show - but then when I saw her on the Grammy's was I was hoping the movie and the singing in the movie would be good....and thankfully I was happy.
It was a good movie. I was surprised by the ending, I was not expecting that. But I still liked it. Tim McGraw did a great job of acting, as usual and Gwyneth did a great job as well. I very much liked Garrett Hedlund who played Bo. His deep voice reminds me a bit of Kris Kristofferson when he sings.
I would recommend seeing this one if you haven't yet. Chow for now, Jacqui

I would recommend seeing this one if you haven't yet. Chow for now, Jacqui
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Diana
Today is my older sister Diana's birthday. I wish we lived closer so I could spend today with her, but this will have to do! She is a wonderful sister and I love her to pieces. I just thought I would share a few pictures - through the years!!!
I just love this picture!! I'm not really sure where it was taken, but I just think it's cute!
This one was definitely taken at the house we used to live in with Granny and Poppa.
Look how cute we were!!! We quite often had outfits that were the same, but different colours!!!
We totally look like we just got caught doing something.....maybe peeking at presents!
Check this one out...and it was long before Twilight was popular!
This one was taken a few years ago when Diana came home when our Granny was ill. This was taken at about 5:00 AM..after a long stamping night ....but it was a good night full of laughter!
Love ya sis, Chow for now, Jacqui

Love ya sis, Chow for now, Jacqui
Friday, April 8, 2011
Happy Birthday Jade
Today is my beautiful daughter's 17th birthday.
It's hard to believe that she is 17 already. She asked me last night if it made me feel old knowing that she was turning 17. I don't know that I feel old - I just wonder where the heck the time went. We were watching old videos a few weeks back and it's almost impossible to believe that it was the same person. I remember when she looked like that and when she did all those funny things in the video - but how is it that she looks the way she does now? All grown up and mature? When did all that happen? You wake up one morning and you have teenagers. It's crazy! Anyhow, I hope my teenager has a great day and a wonderful birthday. I made her a cheesecake instead of a cake with decorations (that was her choice). I hid it though cause I didn't want anyone to eat any of it until her actual birthday! Here is the card I made her for her birthday.
I liked the way it turned out. Happy Birthday Jade, I love you, Chow for now, Jacqui

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Happy Birthday Aunt Brenda
Happy Birthday Aunt Brenda!!!!!!

I know it's late, cause her birthday was on the 5th of April, but I wanted to wish my Aunt Brenda a happy birthday.I am going to see her this weekend so will be able to do so in person too, but I wanted to put her picture up on here with the card that I made for her so you all could see it.
Chow for now,

I know it's late, cause her birthday was on the 5th of April, but I wanted to wish my Aunt Brenda a happy birthday.I am going to see her this weekend so will be able to do so in person too, but I wanted to put her picture up on here with the card that I made for her so you all could see it.

Chow for now,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Happy Birthday Courtney....revisited!
My little sister celebrated her birthday on the 30th of March and luckily she came by for a visit this weekend so I could hand deliver her card. She is a music teacher and is a very musically talented woman, so I had to use this image for her card!
...(and she grew up on the the cowboy boots were a nice touch!) Chow for now, Jacqui

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Happy Birthday Jay - revisited....
My little sister Courtney's fiance's birthday was on the 28th of March. I wished him Happy Birthday on here, but did not have his card whipped up yet......(of course.......procrastination is my middle name!!) But I knew my sister was going to be coming for a visit today - so I was a cheapo and saved the stamp and gave her the cards in person! I whipped up this card - using More Mustard - which I don't use that much - but like the way it turned out.
Chow for now, Jacqui

Friday, April 1, 2011
Greetings From Canada.....
Last summer my daughter went to Germany for a few weeks to stay with Ines, the girl from Germany who stayed with us for a few weeks. She had a great time and we hope that Ines will come back to visit us some day soon. I know she is very busy with school but we hope she knows our door is always open and she is welcome to stay with us anytime she is in the area! Jade is sending her a package so I whipped up this little card to go with the package!
Chow for now, Jacqui