Happy Birthday Courtney!
I thought I would share with you some pictures and memories!! (I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures because I scanned them from my photo album...and of course they were my photo albums before I learned all about acid free etc. etc....so some of the pictures are stuck in my book)

One of my favourite times of the day was helping get Courtney all bathed and ready for bed. There is nothing better than the clean smell of a child after they have had a bath and have their PJ's on and are ready for bed.

She had the cutest little smile....I think there was a little bit of mischief in there too!!!! I'm positive she got that from Dad!

Halloween was always fun, trying to come up with fun and interesting costumes. I remember we used to go out with Aunt Gloria and Lori and Charlene. I honestly can't remember though if Courtney came with us or not. I don't think she did cause I think she was too small when we were still trick or treating.

Here is her school picture from 1988. She finally has some hair!

Even at a young age she loved to sing. She kind of has a Pippi Longstocking thing going on in this picture! Another set of shades too!

Ballet was another one of Courtney's activities......

She found her own sweetheart and has a very successful career as a teacher. I am so proud of her and wish her all the best in anything she chooses to do.

This picture was taken last year at our Granny's 90th birthday party, isn't she beautiful?

Love ya, Courtney.
Chow for now,