Breaking Dawn Pt. 2.......finally.
Great weekend
I had a great weekend. Joel had a volleyball tournament in Richmond Hill on Saturday so we asked Courtney and Jay if we could crash at their place instead of having to pay for a hotel room! They graciously said yes, so we headed down there on Friday afternoon. Joel wanted to check out Cannuckstuff, which is this awesome volleyball store in Scarborough. We had never been before, but had heard many people talk about how great it is and we have checked it out online before as well. We left the house around noon or so. We decided to take number 7 to the 401 instead of what seems like to me going the opposite direction - towards Strathroy to get on the 402 which takes you to the 401. So we went up number 7. Number 7 has been under construction for it seems like years now, so we zipped through St. Mary's to avoid the detour on Number 7 that takes you way the hell and gone out somewhere not even remotely in the direction we want to go. There was a tiny detour right within the city limits of St. Mary's but not enough to cause a problem. We got back on Number 7 and stopped for lunch in Stratford. We stopped at McDonald's. I don't know why I do that. It tastes good going down...but 30 minutes later.....GUT ROT. We filled up the car in Stratford (after waiting for some lady to check every single lottery ticket that was in her purse to see if it was a winner and then of course to buy some more...all the while she is parked at the gas pump right in front of me - and there are 5 people behind me waiting and there was no where for me to go to get around we waited.......then when she got in the car I think she looked at all the numbers on the tickets she got to see if they were to her liking.......needless to took us a bit to get away from the gas station.) Then we were off. I was getting a little bit tired as I was driving....and my navigator was sleeping, so I pulled off at a Wal-Mart to have a pottie break and to get some snacks. In all our years travelling with Poppa and Granny, he would always have a bag of red candy coated peanuts and he would snack on them when he was driving. I thought it was just his "thing", but as I got older I finally kept him awake. I think I am the same. I need to be crunchin' on something to help keep me awake. Most times I'm okay - if my passenger is talking to me!! But when they are crashed, it's a little harder to stay awake. It was actually a good stop at the Wal-Mart cause it was a super one, so I was able to get Joel his water, gatorade, cheese strings, bananas, granola bars and snacks for the next day at the tournament. Saved me having to find a grocery store when we got to Courtneys. We got to Cannuckstuff about 4:30 pm.
What a cool store. They have a very big clearance section which is nice cause some stuff can get pricey. Joel grabbed a nice black Overkill hoodie, a red t-shirt with a Volleyball Canada logo on it, a bright (did I say Bright) orange long sleeved shirt with another funky logo on it, a new pair of knee pads, which are nice. They are made by Nike and they are made with Drifit material so they won't stink as much and they are very thin, so not so cumbersome to wear. I even grabbed myself a hoodie, thanks Joel for finding the 'fat people" section! And we grabbed some tape for Joel to keep in his bag for if he has to wrap his ankle or if he jams a finger. We left Cannuckstuff and it was already dark - I hate that it gets dark so fast now. But we were heading for Courtney's now. We got to Courtneys about 6:30 PM. It was so nice to see her. Usually when we get together it's for something - we have stuff to do - so it was nice just to sit and chat and relax. We don't get the opportunity to do that very often. We ordered some Boston Pizza pasta for supper!!! Got full and then went to bed as we had an early morning. We got up in the morning and when I saw Joel he had a rash all over his whole entire body. I was thinking "what is this now?". It was not itchy and he said his breathing was fine, (he has been on antibiotics so was worried about that) he jumped up and had a shower and I think it made it a bit better. He thinks it was the material the blanket was made of that bothered him. I whipped up Joel some scrambled eggs - gotta get that protein into ya before ya play volleyball ball day. We headed off to the school for the tournament with a stop at Tim Horton's for a hot chocolate. Courtney came at the same time we did so she could watch a couple of Joel's games. She had never seen him play before. Our friend Bob came to keep us company as well. The boys played awesome their first two matches.
At one point they were losing 17 - 9 and they came back and won the game 26-24.
It was a great game. Joel played THE BEST volleyball I have ever seen him play since he started playing. He was hitting
and he roofed
a couple of kids. He had a great weekend.
Courtney had some work to do, so she left for a bit and I was going to keep her posted and then both she and Jay were going to come back to watch the finals. We had our quarter final game which ended up having to go to 3 games and unfortunately we lost that one 15 - 13 and the boys were quite down, so when they went to play the bronze match...their hearts were not in it. I don't think the coach's heart was in it either, so it's hard to get the boys to be positive and energetic when the coach is not. Having said that, this was the first tournament of the season and the first time the boys had played together as a team. We only have 4 boys who came back from last year, so it takes a bit to get used to your team mates. One of the mom's, Nancy, had some Benadryl in her purse, so she gave me a couple of pills to give to Joel, cause his spots were still not gone. I didn't want to give it to him until he was done playing, cause I figured it would make him drowsy......I'm glad I didn't....when he got back to Courtney's he went to bed at like 5 for a nap and I didn't see him till Sunday morning! Courtney and I spent a nice relaxing night at home watching the movie Mirror, Mirror with Julia Roberts.
It was cute. A different spin on the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. A much funnier version than the movie Snow White and the Huntsman. We didn't stay up too late as we had church in the morning. Courtney had to be at church before we did, so she got up and left and we came later. This weekend at Stouffville United was Anniversary Sunday so they were recognizing the seniors in the congregation. I love Courtney's church.
The minister, Nancy Waterman, is a fabulous speaker.
To be honest, the few times I have heard her sermons - I have to say, they are the only sermons I have listened to. I try to listen to other ones at other churchs but my mind starts wandering, they are not just grabbing my attention; but Nancy, she leads such an interactive service and brings it into "today's" world. It's a joy to listen to her speak. The choir sounded great. They sang Old Time Religion, which was a great song and they did a great job. It was also communion Sunday, so everyone joined in communion. We were also blessed to get to hear Courtney sing a solo!!!!!! I believe the song was called Seize the Day, and like always, she sounded great.
I like that she is miked at her piano and she also speaks to the congregation as well. When you see her amongst the congregation, it's clear she is where she belongs. We also lucked out for lunch. With it being Anniversary Sunday, there was a pot luck lunch! So we got to have a good feast before we headed out for home. It was a great day for driving and the church service was a great way to wrap up a great weekend. We got home at about 5:30 pm. We decided to take Number 7 all the way home instead of the 401. It's a much less stressful drive for sure, you see alot more interesting things along the way, but it does take a little bit longer.
All in all, it was a great weekend.
Chow for now,
Chicago Fire
We started watching a new show called Chicago Fire.
It is very good. I think I was crying already in episode 2!! I like a show that gets your emotions going. Not necessarily crying all the time, but a good gut laugh every once in a while and some drama that gets your heart pumping are good qualities for a show. They have a nice looking cast to boot!!
Jesse Spencer plays a lead role. He used to be on House and he was also in the movie Uptown Girls, which is one of my favs.
The other lead role is played by Taylor Kinney. A nice looking fella for sure!
I don't remember him being in anything, but according to IMDB he was in an episode of Rizzoli and Isles - so I must have seen him cause I have watched all those episodes!!! Lauren German has a lead role as well. I liked her when she was on Hawaii Five-O. She had a good chemistry with those characters. In this show she plays a gay paramedic, who is roommates with Taylor Kinney's character. (I'd like to be his roommate!!!)
I'm really enjoying the show so far. I have only seen 3 episodes.
The other night Joel was not feeling very well. He flopped down on the floor on a pillow beside Charlie. Next thing I knew.....this is what I saw!!!
Chow for now,