Move Day
Hey there - just a quick update.....this is our official move day - we have to be out of our place today. Jade heads off to Germany today as well. So we will drop her off at the bus and then off to Parkhill/Sylvan we go.I also will not have the Internet at the new place for a while. Being out in the country, there are only certain options for Internet access other than dial up - which I will NOT get cause that would be a torture worse than getting your bikini line waxed..... so the price for set up is a little steep, so we'll be saving our pennies a bit before we decide to get Internet access at the new place.I'll still have access when I am at work, so I will have to be well organized to get the most surfing and Internet time done in my breaks and on my lunch!I'll post as soon as I can!Off to the farm we go!Chow for nowJacqui
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long Challenge 55 - Faux Stitching
This week over at the Christmas Stampin' All Year Long Challenge Blog we were challenged to make a card using stitching or faux-stitching. Believe it or not...even though I have something like 5 different sewing machines in my house, I have yet to actually sew on a card!
So I did the faux stitching with the white gel pen. I finally got around to stamping and colouring a Magnolia image. They are sooooo cute. I love their little faces. I used Copics to colour this little girl.....not sure why....but when I looked at her I had to do her in turquoise! Have you come on over and tried some of the challenges yet?? Just think - If you had of started already you would have a whole mess of Christmas cards made!!!!! Chow for now Jacqui
Only one week.......
It's hard to believe but in 1 week my daughter will be getting on a bus to go to the airport to get on a plane to go to Germany!I am sooooo excited for her and cannot believe the time is almost here.She's got her Euro's and she has her gum for chewing so her ears don't pop on the plane!She has her passport and her insurance and I'm hoping their trip coordinator has her ticket!!The countdown is on now!It seemed like it was going to be forever until she got to go and now it's almost here.Back to work and moving....chow for nowJacqui
Quick little update
So the moving is still "moving" along. We are hoping to be 99% moved by Saturday, just leaving enough stuff in the house to get us through to the 30th. It's getting down to crunch time now..and it's busy busy....Along with getting ready for the move and packing and moving, last night was renewing health cards and getting the kids hair cuts. Then today is a pack and move and study day. Jade has exams for the rest of the week, as well as working at the store and packing for Germany. Joel graduates from Grade 8 this year and his graduation is on Monday night and we still need to pick him up a shirt and tie. He already has his suit (thanks Dina!) so we just need the shirt and tie. And then Jade is off to Germany for 23 days on the 30th. I am so excited for her. She will be staying with Ines, the exchange student who stayed with us in October. They are excited to see each other again and it will be nice for them to spend some time together. So anyway...back to work....I'll post more cards soonChow for now,Jacqui
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long Challenge 54 - Vintage Card
This weeks challenge over at the Christmas Stampin' All Year Long Challenge Blog, we were challenged to make a Vintage Christmas Card. I do not have any stamps that I would really classify as "vintage" so I tried to make this one as "vintagey" as I could. This is probably my favourite Santa image. I love the look on Santa's face.
Chow for now, Jacqui
Haven't Disappeared!
Just a quick little post to let you know that I have not disappeared! We are still going strong with the packing and the moving. We have accomplished a lot and have done it as inexpensively as possible. It's times like these when you see the good in people. People offering their help moving, and packing and lifting and loading and unloading. It's just great! Thanks so very much to everyone who has helped us with this move.K...gotta go.chow for nowJacqui
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long Challenge 53 - Make a card with no stamping
This week over at the Christmas Stampin' All Year Long Challenge blog, we were challenged to make a card without using any stamps! I purchased this great paper when I was on a road trip heading up to see my BFF Vicki.
It was great for making a non-stamped card! I used some SU rub-ons to finish it off! Chow for now, Jacqui
Around the Yard
As most of you know, we are moving this month so we are frantically packing and taking loads up to the new house. I love to garden and I am finding it difficult to walk around my current yard and look at all my neglected gardens. I will be taking some of my plants to the new house with me, as many of them have sentimental meaning to me. Do any of the plants in your gardens have sentimental value to you?Many of the plants I have I brought to our old house from other gardens of friends and relatives, and then when we moved to this house I brought them here. Now I am doing it again and will be taking them to our new place.I have a number of Rose of Sharon bushes in my yard, which are babies from a cutting I took from a Rose of Sharon bush from my Grandma Dodds' garden some years ago. She passed away, so I want to keep a piece of it with me.
I also have some Hosta's that I got from my Granny's house. She has since sold her house and is now living in the nursing home, so I want to keep it with me too. My perennial hibiscus will be making the trip, as well as my clematis, my mini irises and my normal size irises.
I have a few perennials I purchased last summer that I will be taking with me as well.I took a couple of pictures of some last week just after a rain.Last spring we had a family of robins who decided to put a nest by our eaves trough. Robins do not come back to their same nests, but I believe other birds will use the nests they built. Check this out.....I don't know what kind of birds they are this year, but I think they could go on the bird version of the show "hoarders" .....look at all that stuff!
A friend of mine rides his bike to work every day. 3 weeks ago when he was riding home some not-paying-attention driver cut him off and he ended up breaking his shoulder. I made him this card and had a bunch of the people in the office sign it for him to get better.
Chow for nowJacqui