Well, I cannot believe it, but on the 24th of June I will be attending the Grade 8 graduation/recognition ceremony for my daughter Jade.
I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. Come September, she will be in high school. When I think back to high school, it seems like just yesterday, so how is it even possible that I have a daughter that is now going into high school?
As Dilbert would say - UNPOSSIBLE!!!
She came home from school on Friday and let us know that she had been chosen for valedictorian!!
How excited she was. I am so very proud of her and I love her so very much, and I know I don't tell her often enough. She set 3 goals for herself at the beginning of the year. 1. To be Valedictorian, 2. To get an "A" in every subject, 3. To help someone. I do believe she has reached all of her goals.
I wish I had the drive she does to set goals for myself and to stick to them until I reach them. Goal 1 we know she has reached, Goal 3 we know she has reached - she took it upon herself to propose, organize and see through a fundraising project to raise money for the OSPCA (the organization against cruelty to animals). She organized a popcorn day and a hot dog day at school and managed to raise $300 for organization!
Goal 2 - we will wait until we get her report card - but she has worked very hard this year and she has done a very good job.
I swear she is gonna save the world someday!
I am very proud and cannot wait to hear her speech on the 24th!!!
Oh yeah...I'll post some pictures of that for sure!!! I couldn't resist posting this picture of this peacock with this write up. This is one of the peacocks we saw during one of our garden tours yesterday. We (my sister Courtney and my Mom) attended a garden tour and a scenic tour for the 100 years of Anne festival. It is a festival to celebrate Lucy Maud Montgomery - the author of the Anne of Green Gables books. She spent many summers and wrote 11 books in the small community, so they have a festival celebrating that every year!
This gives you a bit more information if you are interested
Chow for now!