Sisterlines Space in Time

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got." Mark Twain.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Day Three - Missouri and Kansas

I'll be honest- I was never so glad to leave a hotel in my life. It was stinky...and I just did not feel safe. Jade thought I was nuts, but it reminded me of all those hotels from the tv shows Criminal Minds, and Law and Order where they find the bodies after people have been murdered!!!!

The morning was cold and damp. The rain didn't keep up for the day today though which was nice. It was overcast and chilly all day, but better than rain for sure
We could see the Bay Bridge from the parking lot at the hotel. This is the bridge that takes you from Illinois into Missouri.

View crossing the bridge
Just after we crossed the bridge there were two cardinals - a male and a female on the side of the road. They say if you see a cardinal, someone in heaven is thinking about you - so we said hello to Granny and Poppa!

Missouri sign

I like driving coming up over a hill and seeing the big American flag flying high

We are definitely NOT on the interstates!!!! There were many times during the day when we thought we were the only people in the world!

it's kind of hard to see in this picture, put there is some sort of ground cover crop in many of the fields and it is the prettiest shade of purple and looks so nice when you are driving down the roads and all you can see is purple and green

Marysville, Kansas is the home of the black squirrel. They have these black painted squirrels all over town. The one at the car wash was holding a sponge and had bubbles all over him

We drove most of the day on the Pony express highway. This statue was in one of the town. They have various silhouettes of this statue in random fields long the highway -they look pretty cool

Entering into Kansas

We saw an owl up in a tree today so had to stop to take pictures of him- well Jade took pictures of him. He was pretty cool
We saw a number of pheasants along the highway today as well. They are very colourful and most very fast when you try to take their pictures!
We passed by a few feed lots today - saw lots of cattle and lots of pasture. It was definitely a cross country trip today! We loved it!
We stopped in Colby for the night. Much nicer hotel than last night. Had some pizza hut for supper - gonna sleep now.....didn't sleep all that well last night......with one eye open and all!
Chow for now!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Day Two

Well today was a wet one.
It rained all day long.
It didn't deter us, but was not so easy to take pictures

Our plan was to visit the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame...but we couldn't find it! We found this place, but not what we were looking for!!
We drove around a bit trying to find it, but had no luck, so we just continued on our way.

We went through a place called Logansport and it had this nice painting on the side of a building, similar to places at home

We saw lots and lots of wind turbines driving through Illinois. The land there is so flat you can see for miles and miles.

At one point I had the windshield wipers on turbo speed it was raining so hard. It's hard to see the signs in the rain. Jade is doing a great job of navigating for me, but I am really glad I went through the road atlas and highlighted our route. We opted for no interstates on the way out so we are really seeing some nice small towns and farms along the way.

We drove through one little town and I looked down the street and saw this guy - so we had to go around the block so I could get a picture of him.

Then we came up to this bridge - I wasn't sure what we were crossing. It turned out to be the Illinois river

We stopped for the night at about 8:45 pm in Quincy Illinois. We chose the Welcome Inn....I will not choose a Welcome Inn again.....the price was right....but not the nicest place. The fella at the front desk was very pleasant and had a cute little 7 week old puppy who was adorable, but it was kind of a dungy place...I kept teasing jade telling her I was going to get scurvy.

So I'm gonna try and sleep - it might be with one eye open...but we have more driving to do tomorrow.
 We'd like to get through all of Missouri and Kansas tomorrow.
Chow for now

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Trip Day!!!! It's finally here!!

It's hard to believe the day is finally here that we get to leave. I was still working on our route until 10:30 last night. But I'm pretty confident - that we have a route set - and if we get off the plan we have the map and will be able to find our way back to where we need to be. We planned on getting up early and being at the car rental place right at 8 when it opened, but when you don't HAVE to get up at 4AM it's easy to sleep in So we ended up being at the car rental place around 930 and were back at home and ready to pack it all up around 1030 or so. We left the lane at 1245.  We headed for Windsor. We grabbed a couple of pizzas and stopped in and had supper with Joel and Teri. Crossed the border at about 6 pm. No hassles there - just answered the questions and we were on our way. We missed an off ramp that would have kept us on US12, but we were still on I94 so were still headed in the right direction. Jade got the map out and we figured out if we hit US52 we would pop back down onto 12, so that is what we did. We saw some nice old farms and old farm houses - some very large ones. We pulled over when we saw a big dinosaur, which ended up being an old abandoned amusement park. Here are a couple of pictures of it. It was pretty neat. We stopped for the night at about 8:30 in Jonesville Michigan. Stopped at a Days Inn. Gonna have a nice sleep, a free breakfast and then on the road again in the morning!

The last time we drove home from Arizona we listened to Randy Travis music pretty much the whole way home....look what was playing today!

Chow for now. Jacqui