Sisterlines Space in Time

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got." Mark Twain.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad!!!!

Wow 34 years!! Some days it seems so long ago that "we" got married on this day, and other times it seems like just yesterday. The one constant though is that no matter how long or short it seems, it's been the BEST of times. I know over the years we have all had our differences and disagreements, but I think we have a stronger love because of it. I am so proud of both of you and so honored to have you as parents.  The best role models and truly the best parents any kid could ever ask for. I hope you both have a wonderful day today. 
Sending you all my love and hugs,

Friday, January 17, 2014


It's been one year since my life changed forever. One year ago today we lost the most wonderful person I have ever known. I am who I am today because of her. She loved me unconditionaly and was there for me whenever I needed her. It still doesn't seem real that she is gone. I have so many great memories of her and the times we spent together. She was the one person who could make me laugh no matter what, who always thought of others before herself, and who I could turn to any time day or night. For those of you who were lucky enough to meet her, you know exactly what I mean. Everyone called her Granny. Even our friends. When we would bring them over to the house we never introduced her to them as Beryl it was always Granny. She loved it when people called her Granny. And I loved having her as my Granny. There never is and never will be anyone else like her. She was one of a kind for sure.
I sat down here to write this wonderful memoriam for her and man......I'm having a really hard time. It's really hard to type and read the words on the screen when there are tears streaming down your face. I really didn't think it would be this hard. So...I'm going to share a whole mess of pictures with you and put a few comments with them and some of my memories. Hopefully, if you didn't have the chance to meet my Granny, some of these pictures and comments will shed some light on what you were missing. For those of you who were lucky enough to meet her and knew her, hopefully some of these pictures will bring a smile to your face, and if I know some of you..... a tear to your eye. 
So here goes........... the pictures are in no particular order.
I love this picture of Granny. When she was at the nursing home they always took the time to make sure she looked her best. This was one of my favourite outfits she would wear. And I think she had just got a perm not too long before this picture was taken.

This picture was taken at her 90th birthday party. We had a family lunch and then we had an open house planned for her in the afternoon. She could not get over why all these people would come to see her.

I'm not certain, but I think this was her 88th or 89th birthday. These her two sisters Mabel and Phydella. Phydella is no longer with us, Aunt Mabel is the last one left.

One of my favourite pictures of Granny. This was taken at her 90th birthday party.

This picture makes me smile and brings back lots of memories. This is Aunt Mabel and Granny at the fellowship gathering after Aunt Edna's funeral. The funeral was in Burk's Falls and I drove them both up so they could pay their respects. I think they had a very good time in spite of the fact we were going up for a funeral and I was so happy I was able to take them up there.

I like this picture of me and Granny. It was a few pounds ago for me....but I always enjoyed spending time with her. I would try and take a picture each time I went in  - you can never have too many pictures of your loved ones.

Granny and Poppa - I know this is an anniversary picture, but I can't remember which one. They were a very handsome couple. I hope they are together knowing how much I love them and how much I miss them.

Another beautiful shot of Granny. She's even got a little bit of lipstick on in this one!

This was a common scene. Granny with her little scissors cutting the ends off of her letters so she could read them. Then she would cut off the stamps to give them to someone and she would quite often keep address lables and little stickers that were on letters as well. Writing letters was a very large part of Granny's life. She wrote to a pen pal she had for going on 50 years. They even met each other a few years ago.

This picture makes me happy and sad at the same time. This was taken last Christmas around the 21st of December, less than a month later she was gone. I was so blessed to have that time with her, but I still can't get over how quickly things changed.

Granny absolutely loved Joel. Each time she would see him she would tell me how handsome he was. She just loved getting kisses from him!

Granny loved Jade's visits. Jade would go over and visit Granny on her lunch break from school. I'm glad she got to spend as much time as she could with her. 

This picture makes me smile. I think it's a nice shot of Granny and I like how full her face looks. 

She spent her last years in Chateau Gardens nursing home. They took very good care of her. If we could not keep her at home, I cannot think of a better place for her to spend her last days.

Granny was always thrilled when Diana would come home to visit. I still remember when she ventured out on her own and flew to Arizona to visit her all by herself. I'm not sure I'll be that brave when I am that age, but I hope to be.

I was so happy to be able to bring Granny over to the highschool to see Jade graduate from Grade 12. She was very happy to be able to make it as well. I remember it was soooooo hot that night - I was sweating buckets by the time I got her wheeled over to the school......and she has a sweater on! She enjoyed the evening though - and that is the main thing.

I absolutely love this picture of Joel and Granny. I don't know why, there is just something so pure and innocent about it. Just the two of them sitting on the couch, chillin' having a chat. It makes me smile.

Granny loved to see pictures of Charlie. I remember the day we took Charlie to meet Granny. I was a little apprehensive because we don't take Charlie too many places.I was so proud of her. She hopped out of the car and sat right down by the wheelchair and let Granny pet her. It was wonderful. I think she knew ya know that she couldn't get jumping and playing  - I think dogs are smarter than we give them credit for.

Another great picture of Granny. I know this was a birthday picture and Mum and Anna brought Granny into London for lunch and I met them at the restaurant. It was fun to surprise her.

4 generations - I was glad to get this picture years ago. Look how regal Granny looks sitting there - almost like the Queen!

Here's a blast from the past shot. January 1957!!!

And last but not least, another 4 generation shot - a few years later.
I can only hope that I have the chance to live a long and happy life like she did. I hope she has passed her longevity genes onto us all. Like I said, I still cannot believe she is gone. My heart still aches when I think of her and when I want to call her and tell her something and realize I can't. But I trust she is looking down on me sending me lots of love from above. 
I love you and miss you more than you'll ever know.