NMDHS Tractor Day was a success!!!!!
Tractor Day was a huge success again this year. There were many tractors driven to the school by various students. At some point during the day, they do the big convoy drive down the main street of Parkhill where many school children and residents of Parkhill align the streets to watch. It really is a great thing living in the country where there is a sense of community no matter where you go. They had some very old tractors, like this one here,
and some new models like this big Ford.
They had bale throwing competitions, as well as the classic "carry and egg on a spoon" race, three-legged races, water balloon toss and sticking with our country roots - bale tossing!!
There was also a competition for "Biggest Male/Female Hick" Will McLachlan and Lauren Soverign won these prices.
I'm not sure what all was in their prize pack, but it looked pretty good from here! There were also large blow up units which were a type of obstacle course to run.
BX93 showed up to play some good ole country tunes. The weather held out and all in all I think it was a very successful day!
Chow for now,