I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving today. I was thinking back to last year at this time and what we were doing Thanksgiving weekend. Believe it or not, we were camping at the Pinery Provincial Park in Grand Bend. My two kids (Jade and Joel) and I decided to go for our last camping event of the year. The thing I remember most was that it was 30 degrees and with the humidity it was around 38. It was insane for October. We didn't even want to have a campfire cause it was so hot, and the campfire is the best part of camping! We even went swimming in Lake Huron! I just couldn't believe it.
Well this year, we didn't go camping. We really didn't plan too much of anything. The weather has been kind of crappy here lately so the thoughts of camping in the cold and rain were not something I was looking forward to. So we didn't make any camping plans this year................. and Murphy's Law .........the weekend was absolutely beautiful and would have been an incredible weekend to camp. It has been between 23 and 26 degrees all weekend.
So since I didn't have a camping weekend planned, and the weather was so beautiful, and the family didn't have any plans........ what else could I do...........So I went golfing!!! I wanted to get one more round of golf in before the snow comes and today was perfect. I am gonna be sore tomorrow, but it will be worth it!
My golfing partner picked me up at 9:40 AM and we headed out to the course.What a beautiful drive it was with all the beautiful fall colours.
Fall is such a bittersweet time of year. I love love love the fall colours, but hate the fact that they are a sign that soon comes the snow. Don't get me wrong, snow has it's time and place....I just wish it was a shorter time at my place!!
Here are a couple of pictures of the beauty of fall and the beauty of the golf course!
Chow for now,