My Heart is Full
We have been going through a few things as of late which make it hard to keep a positive attitude and be all happy and cheerful all the time. I do my very best, but some times it is hard.
This past week I got some GREAT "soul food".
Joe's cousin Rob and his daughter Charlotte were home from New Denver, B.C. It had been 8 years since Rob was home last and longer since I had seen Charlotte.
We had a wonderful visit and got caught up on each others' lives. Joel and Teri came home from Windsor to visit as well, which was wonderful, as I have not seen them since January.
We took some pictures before Rob and Charlotte headed out. It was funny cause we were all standing there getting ready and Phoebe ran over and just sat down in front for the picture. We didn't even call her, she just jogged on over and plopped her butt down and looked at the camera!!!!!!
And then yesterday, I zipped back to Oakwood Resort in Grand Bend as it was the Scrappin' Great Deals sprint retreat. I usually attend the retreats, but have been a little scarce since the pandemic. But I miss all my crafty friends, so I thought I would go back for a quick visit. I left my house at 11:30 AM and got home at 5:30 PM!!! It was nice to catch up with Connie, Tanya, Sarah, Paula, Annabella, Sheila and Lori. I even met a few new people who I'm sure I would love to pieces if I got to know them more. Just from our quick chat, they seem like my kind of people!
So now, as I sit and write this, my heart is full for the next little while. I love all my family and friends and am so appreciate for all the love and support they are giving us during this uncertain time.
Hug the ones ya love,
Chow for now,