Oh my gosh, first off I can't believe I haven't posted on here since March, but that's beside the point. Last night I had one of the best nights in a long time. Mum bought tickets for herself, Jade and I to go to see Peter Pan at the Huron Country Playhouse II.
We initially decided to go because our little cousin Grace Worsley was going to be in the play! We went to see her at Drayton last year when she was in the production of Oliver! She did a great job then and she looked like she was having fun again last night.
The production was absolutely fabulous. I was very surprised at how interactive the performance was. I was VERY entertained right from beginning to end. The music got you dancing in your seat and it's no lie (you can even ask Jade) I was laughing so hard tears were running down my face.
AJ Bridel played the role of Peter Pan and she was amazing.
My favorite part was the bit where she was trying to get her shadow to stay on. Hilarious.
Thom Allison played the role of Captain Hook (and he also doubled in the role of Mr. Darling).
He was great. He played a wonderful villain, and I swear, the man's teeth were sparkling when he was on stage! His eyes were so piercing when he was talking and interacting in the role as Hook.
Dani Jazzar played the role of one of the pirates as well as doubling as Big Chief Daddy.
( I gotta say......he was some pretty nice eye candy for the ladies!!!! ......once again..you can ask Jade about that!!!!!) - but here....you decide!!!! I had to give those "abs" a standing ovation and a little "woohoo"!!!!
The fellas that played the pirates must have had a blast in the production. They got to do a bunch of fun stuff. Lots of singing and dancing and comedy bits.
But for me, these next two characters stole the show.
Eric Da Costa played the role of Smee. 

He was hilarious and was very interactive with the crowd...(who lives in a pineapple under the sea?........) go see the play and you'll know what that means!! He may not of had the tummy that the cartoon character had, but he definitely had the facial expressions down pat!
Aidan deSalaiz played the role of Delilah the Cook.
I tried and tried to find a picture of him in his role as Delilah but I failed. So picture this guy in drag, with a red wig, with blue eye shadow like Mimi from the Drew Carey show, red lipstick that was all "around" the lips, with bright red rouge, sporting some very large breasts, in a dress with a corset and heels. Honestly, your imagination will NOT do him justice. He was AMAZING. He never stopped acting the whole time he was on stage even if he was in the background of the scene. Incredible actor.
But, when these two, Delilah and Smee, got together......hilarious antics happen.
The show was upbeat and high energy all the way through.
Seriously, if you are still looking for something to do with your kids, or with your parents or grandparents even, go and see this production. You won't be sorry.
Thanks Mum for getting us the tickets!!!
Chow for now,