Happy Birthday Vicki!!

Well it's hard to believe that 4 years ago this is how Vicki was celebrating her birthday!!! Hanging out with a crackpot like me!!! We had fun that night though! I made Vicki a cake, that was interesting to say the least.....You'll have to ask her if you want to know what it was!!!!
Anyhow, my post today is all about Vicki since it is her birthday. She is my bestest friend in the whole world. We met through Stampin' Up!, and I will be forever grateful to Shelli Gardner for that. If she had not decided to create this great company, then I would not have met this awesome woman, named Vicki Garrett. I feel like I have known her forever. I can tell her anything and even though we live much farther apart than either of us like, I know she is there for me, no matter what.
She makes me smile, and she gives me those big belly laughs that tucker you right out!
I love spending time with her. We can chat about anything and we are comfortable just sitting quietly and doing our own thing. She does not judge, and she loves unconditionally.
My only regret when it comes to Vicki is that I did not meet her sooner.
I can only IMAGINE the trouble that we would have got ourselves into!!!!!
If I could give Vicki a birthday present, I would wrap this guy up in a big box and tie a big red bow around it!! I'd make sure there was some air holes in it though...how fun would that be...open up your birthday present and have the object of your obsession fall down dead from suffocation!!
So there would be lots and lots of air holes to make sure Clayton could breathe and be right ready to jump right out of that box!!!
(for those of you who don't know....this good lookin' guy is Clayton Bellamy who just happens to be one of the members of the band The Roadhammers) Speaking of the Road Hammers - if you have not heard of these guys - get your butt out there and buy their CD - they ROCK. They put on a great show and sing great. They are playing at the Norfolk fair on Friday October 10th!!!!! I think I might just go.......see.....if Vicki lived closer - we'd be there - front row - cameras ready!!!!
So I will end this post with a picture of Vicki and me. We both look a little different now than we do in this picture - a few pounds and a few hair cuts different!! But it's still a great pic of the two of us together.
I love ya Vick, and wish I could be there to give you a big hug.
You truly are my best friend in the whole entire world and I am blessed to have you in my life.
Love ya lots,