Sisterlines Space in Time

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got." Mark Twain.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bitchin' Bachelorette Bash!!

This past weekend, my little sisters friends planned a Bachelorette party for her. It was going to be a weekend event! My mom and I decided to attend just the dinner part of the weekend. I don't know about mom, but some of the events they had planned, I did not think the old body could handle! So we decided to just grab a hotel room, attend the dinner and then have a mother daughter night away! We arrived at the hotel around 12:30 pm. The view out of our hotel room was amazing! There were two weddings planned for that afternoon as well, so we were able to sit in our air conditioned room (well once we figured out how to work the thing!) and watch the weddings. They were both very different. The first one the girls wore long, very wispy looking, light purple dresses. The bride was very thin and had a very form fitting dress. Their flowers were white. The second one, the girls wore royal blue dresses - short dresses with yellow shoes and the flowers were yellow and red. This bride was a bigger girl and to be honest her choice of dress was not one that I would have chosen for someone of her size. It was kind of cool when she walked down the aisle though - they got just to where the people were sitting and then the music changed and they kind of boogied down the aisle. Cute idea - but from where we were sitting - neither one of them looked like the boogying type....but hey - it was her wedding so who am I to pick it apart! Then we got ready to go out for dinner with the girls. We headed downstairs to see all the decorations and "trinkets" that Courtney had received the night before! Courtney was required to wear the bachelorette veil - which was not complete without a few condoms hanging on it! We also heard of some of the shenanigans that happened Friday night. (Friday night was the pink penis headband evening!) All I can say is....why do random men think it's okay to walk around naked??? Our dinner was delicious - we ate at Milestones at Masonville Mall. I had never been there before. The last time I was in that location - it was a Reuben and Wongs! After dinner mom and I did some window shopping and then headed back to our room...but the girls....were headed to do some pole dancing! We got back to the hotel and I was Facebooking with some friends and then Tim decided to come and visit - well we told him he should and he should bring us some snacks!! So he showed up at our door with chips, popcorn and cookies!!! He stayed for about 2 hours and we chatted and laughed. I love listening to his stories. They are always so funny an so animated. I wish we hung out more! I've decided though - if I ever decide to go on a trip somewhere - he is coming with me! Sunday morning we were waiting around for the girls to go out and do breakfast, but things were a little rough and seeing, let alone eating, a full plate of food that morning was not something they were looking forward to! So mom and I left them to slowly crawl to the cars and drive home and we headed out to Cora's for breakfast. We had never ate at Cora's before, but were told it was delicious - IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT - it was very tasty. I will definitely return! Mom and I then went to Scrappin' Great Deals so she could pick up some Copic markers and then we headed home. I had a stupid migraine started so climbed into bed pretty much as soon as I got there, but all in all it was a fun weekend. Chow for now, Jacqui


Blogger Vicki G said...

Looks like fun!!! I would have SOOOOO been into trying the pole dancing!!!! Will call you tonight for you and can't wait to kick back with you all for a few days



August 9, 2011 at 7:16 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

Look at all of you pole dancing! Woo hoo!!! Sounds like fun times all around.

August 17, 2011 at 3:29 AM  

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