Life in the country...
I love living in the country. It was one of the best moves I ever made moving out of the city. Sure in the city there is the convenience of walking to the store, getting fast food, zipping out quick when you run out of milk and the people.....but none of that even comes close to living in the country. I've got a garden planted that is doing quite well considering the crappy soil conditions I started with and the weather this summer. We had a good supply of strawberries for the month of June and some radishes as well. We are now enjoying, peas, beans,
cucumbers and my beets are ready to be pickled!!!
My first tomato is just about ready to pluck off the vine as well.
I was standing out looking at the garden the other night and I felt the wind (I thought) rustle my hair, but then there was a squawk. Well it turned out to be barn swallows performing some sort of air attack formation above me. They have babies in the drive shed,
but it is not that close to the garden and they were zooming at my head. It was scary. I don't know if they would actually hit me or not, but I ducked every time and didn't give them a chance to find out! Here is a video of Joel, and you can see how close they get to your head! They are fast little buggers too! This is the reason they are dive bombing!! Aren't they cute? I think they alternate their seating so I think there are either 4 or 6 in the nest. Friday my sunflowers were finally out in full bloom. Check this out!
Maybe that's why the birds were dive bombing me....they want me to stay away from the flowers that are gonna give them seeds soon! Have a great long weekend. Chow for now, Jacqui
I see Joel likes to run around half naked like Eric does.
Love ya,
word verification : scoothr
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Joel scoothr-ed all over the yard half nude pestering the birds.
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