Blue Jays....
I looked out the kitchen window above the sink when I was doing dishes the other day and I saw some colour in one of the trees out back. I took a closer look and realized it was a blue jay! It's kind of hard to see him, but he's kind of right in the center of the tree. Blue jays I think are one of my favourite birds.
I know they can be nasty to other birds, but I think they are so pretty. I remember doing a project when I was a kid on blue jays. My Granny used to keep pictures of EVERYTHING in boxes. She would go through old magazines and catalogues and cut out pictures. That way if we ever needed a picture of something we had them. I remember sitting with her going through the box of "birds" to find pictures of blue jays. I think I got something like 49/50 on that project too! Anyhow, we had a bunch of blue jays that lived in our trees when we lived in Woodstock, as well as cardinals, but this was the first blue jay I have seen here. I can't wait until spring when I can get the feeders out and get more birds coming to our yard. I want to plant some butterfly bushes as well so they will come to the yard too! On Valentines day, my hubby surprised me with a new bird house.
(check out my cat Shadow licking her lips thinking of what is gonna live in there!!)I think the holes are too small for blue jays, but I can't wait to see what decides to live there! Chow for now Jacqui
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