Weekend in the country......
We had a pretty busy weekend actually considering I was thinking it was going to be a quiet one. We decided on Friday that we were going to get up early on Saturday morning and head into London to Old Navy to see if we could get Jade some jeans. She is in that stage where she is too big for girls and too small for ladies, so finding clothes is somewhat of a challenge. We had not been to Old Navy yet and I had heard from some others that there jeans have different fits and styles so we decided to go there. So we got up early on Saturday and headed out.....as we were driving we thought we would see if Grandma wanted to go with us....so a little turn here and a turn there and we were on our way to Grandmas house (one of the HUGE benefits of living where we do now!!! we can see Grandma every day if we wanted to!) So we got to Grandmas and asked her if she would like to come with us, which she did, and off we went. We actually made out very good at Old Navy. Jade got 4 pairs of new pants and some shirts. It was a good trip. Joel even got a new sweater courtesy or the clearance rack and his sister! (thanks Jade) We stopped at Crabby Joe's for lunch where Jade treated us to lunch and then we did a zip over to Forest City Surplus (man I love that store) and then we headed home. Stopped in at Benders Foodland in Parkhill to get a few groceries and then we dropped Grandma off at home. Sunday was a busy day as well. I had a hankerin' to do some baking, so I made some date squares and some Apple Pie squares. Joel loves them and has been asking me to make them for a while now. Then I finally got the inside and outside of my car washed and polished and vacuumed. Then I worked on organizing my stamp room a bit. So we were busy for most of the weekend. We decided to have family movie night Friday and Sunday night this week. So on Friday we watched Frozen.
I wanted to see it because it had Kevin Zegers in it. He is a hometown boy from Woodstock (and cute to boot!) It was a pretty good movie - but now I know why I don't ski and don't think I ever will ski. Sunday night we watched Invictus.
Joe got to pick out the movie for this night and that was his pick. Both the kids ended up going to bed before it was over, but we watched it all. It was quite good. I must admit I'm not all that familiar with the whole Nelson Mandela story so will have to follow up a bit, but it was a good movie. I enjoy Morgan Freeman's acting in pretty much anything and I'm a Matt Damon fan as well. Have a good Monday Chow for now Jacqui

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