Wednesday Weigh In - Week 1
Well today marks 1 full week since I started my weight loss program. So far, so good. Day 2 was H-E-double hockey sticks as I was down with a wicked migraine in bed all day. I think it was a combination of the sugar withdrawal and the HUGE drop in the barometric pressure. We went from a hot and sticky humid day of 32 degrees to needing to wear socks, slippers, sweat shirts and long pants in a matter of 8 hours. I have not started the "moving" part of my program, so far just the eating part, which most times that is the most important thing. Although I do want to add some sort of moving, walking, exercising, or something, hopefully to tighten up my skin so when I lose the weight my skin just does not hang off my body. So the big step on the scales this morning and .....drum roll please..........I am down 6 pounds!!!!! Woohooo for me. I figured it would be a good amount, usually the first week is. (Which shows how much crap I was eating) But whether it was crap loss or fat loss, I'm still happy it was a loss. I know the weight I would like to get to, but I was chatting with my BFF Vicki the other day (Hey Girl!!) and really, it's not the weight that is important, it's the size and how your clothes fit and how you feel. I know many things have happened to my body since I was at my goal weight - like a couple of kids - and just life in general. So I am not going to get caught up on the weight thing (well not totally anyway) and I'm just going to follow my eating program and try to make good choices and get moving a bit. Yesterday was the first day of school for my kids.
This was a big deal for them for a few reasons. First it's the first day of school- that's always a big deal. Second, it's the first day of school at a NEW school. Third, it's the first day of Grade 9 for my son Joel. Fourth, it's the first day of Grade 11 for my daughter Jade. Fifth - which is the biggie for me.....BOTH MY KIDS ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL . How and when did that happen? Time flies by so quickly it is just crazy.
They both had a good day though, which I was glad to hear, in spite of the fact that the bus driver ran the route BACKWARDS yesterday so they were supposed to be picked up at 7:04 and it was 7:24 when she rolled up. Not so bad for my kids...but the kids who were to get picked up at 7:58 got picked up at 6:58 or something crazy like that! But she said today should be right. would have thought they would have maybe ran the route once or twice before day one???
We also got our dragon puzzle done!
It was fun. We were missing one teeny piece along the edge, which you really can't see cause it's a shaped puzzle so that was not so bad. It looks pretty cool all finished. This is the next one we have decided to make!!!! 
It's gonna be a doozie! Chow for now Jacqui
Good for you hunni! I'm down 7 as of this morning, but my first week I drop LARGE!!!!
The kids look adorable and yep, they are growing up way too fast. Love the picture of your laneway. Can't wait to see if for real
Love you!
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