My own New Moon
I was talking to my mom on her birthday (August 25th) and as I was talking to her I was looking out my window at the moon coming up. I could not get over the size of the moon. When I first noticed it, it just looked like a purpley orange colour behind the tree line of our neighbours house across the road. As I watched it quickly made it's way up into the sky - I still could not believe how huge it was. It wasn't even a full moon - that was the night before. I tried to get out and get a good picture of it - but I couldn't find my tripod - the only way I can figure out to take good nighttime pictures is with my tripod.
If I try to hold my hands steady - it is never steady enough. So I used my flash to get this one - but then the only thing that showed was the moon - oh was the last thing I saw before I went to bed, so I could have nice dreams about Edward and Jacob!!!!! Chow for now Jacqui
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