Sisterlines Space in Time

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got." Mark Twain.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday Weigh In

Well I'll start with the weigh in part to get that out of the way! Well I'm glad to say that I am down another 4 pounds this week, which makes it a running total of 18 pounds since I started on September 1st. I'm okay with that! I wish there was some magic pill you could take that would get you at a good weight and a good strength level. That's one thing I hope to do this time when I lose the weight is start some strength training. I have a bad back and I find the length of time I can sit or stand is getting less and less and I think if I do some strength training that might help that issue.
I wanted to post some pictures, but Blogger is acting up, so I will try later.
Chow for now,


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