1 more sleep!!!!!!

Is it really one more sleep though? Seriously...is anyone gonna sleep? I doubt it. I got all my groceries for my baking yesterday and I didn't start any of it!!!! We got my Granny a digital frame for Christmas ( I can say that here cause I know she doesn't read my blog!!) so I have been scanning pictures and getting pictures ready to put on the frame. The cool thing is we can change it up after a few months. I hope she likes it. So that is what I was doing last night - looking through pictures and scanning them onto my computer so I can put them on the frame. There were a lot of old pictures that I had never seen before, like pictures of my Granny's mom and dad. What a handsome couple they were. I remember Great Poppa, but I don't remember my Granny's mom at all. It was nice to see some pictures of people who have passed enjoying special days and creating memories. I don't have anything stamped to show you ..I know I said yesterday I would..but the person who I gave the item to decided he would like to wait to open it on Christmas day! So I can't put pictures of it up here...just in case. So you will have to settle with this picture that I used to have as my desktop wallpaper a few years ago at Christmas time.

I like it, but you've seen what the world think? Incredible! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqSC61lCPhk
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