3 more sleeps!!!!
Can you believe that there are only 3 more sleeps until Christmas. This year has gone by so quickly, I cannot believe it. I have a couple of gifts for the kids this year that are gonna make them flip their lids!!! I will not mention them until after Christmas - just in case they see this post!! Joel's birthday is shortly after Christmas (not as soon after as mine, mind you!! Mine is on the 27th), January 8th is Joel's. So when shopping it's hard to decide what to get for Christmas and what to get for a birthday present. I think he will like his birthday present this year.....tune in on the 9th or 10th of January and I'll let ya know!!!
I plan on watching some movies this holiday. We are not very "outgoing social" people. What I mean by that is we do not spend money to go to the show, or go out to supper or go to clubs or pubs, that kind of thing. We would much rather spend time at home as a family, playing a game or watching a movie or a show. So I hope to do both of those things this holidays season. We have started playing Euchre every night after supper. The kids are catching on, but still need a little more practice. We got the Twilight game for the Wii,
but still have not played it so that is on my list of things to do this holiday as well. There are some movies coming out in 2011 that I just cannot wait to see.
This one looks sooo funny/cute. It's called Rango and Johnny Depp is the voice of Rango!
Fast Five looks awesome as well. If you have followed the Fast and the Furious movies - Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are back together for some more action!!
Gullivers Travels looks hilarious. I LOVE Jack Black. He makes me laugh and when he starts singing and "Rockin' it out" toooo funny.
Unstoppable with Denzel Washington. He is a great actor and this movie looks action packed for sure!
Season of the Witch looks great too. I like Nicolas Cage. This is the movie that Joel wants me to take him to for his birthday!
Don't these just make you wanna go to the show!!!!
Chow for now
I plan on watching some movies this holiday. We are not very "outgoing social" people. What I mean by that is we do not spend money to go to the show, or go out to supper or go to clubs or pubs, that kind of thing. We would much rather spend time at home as a family, playing a game or watching a movie or a show. So I hope to do both of those things this holidays season. We have started playing Euchre every night after supper. The kids are catching on, but still need a little more practice. We got the Twilight game for the Wii,

This one looks sooo funny/cute. It's called Rango and Johnny Depp is the voice of Rango!
Fast Five looks awesome as well. If you have followed the Fast and the Furious movies - Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are back together for some more action!!
Gullivers Travels looks hilarious. I LOVE Jack Black. He makes me laugh and when he starts singing and "Rockin' it out" toooo funny.
Unstoppable with Denzel Washington. He is a great actor and this movie looks action packed for sure!
Season of the Witch looks great too. I like Nicolas Cage. This is the movie that Joel wants me to take him to for his birthday!
Don't these just make you wanna go to the show!!!!
Chow for now
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