I can't possibly wait until June....
Jade and I went to the theatre to see New Moon yesterday. I have been wanting to see it since it came out on the 20th of November, but figured I would wait until all the screaming 13 year olds had seen it!!! That way the theatre would be quieter! I am extremely anal when it comes to watching movies. I have to watch all the previews at the beginning of the movie....and all the credits...and leaving in the middle of the movie to get snacks or go pee...well that is just unheard of! The movie was AWESOME. It was like the book again, which is great - I have said it before, I hate when they change the story for the movie. If Stephanie Meyer is the reason for this with Twilight - WAY TO GO STEPHANIE - STICK TO YOUR GUNS - DON'T LET THEM CHANGE A THING.

I am going to re-read all the books to make sure I am up-to-date with all the stuff. It's easy to forget things that happen in a book when you have read....oh probably 12 or so since you read that one.
The theatre was AWFUL. It was freezing. As soon as you walked through the doors of the theatre you could feel the cold air. I thought maybe after the movie started it would get better...but nope....it was FREEZING. And..based on my statement above, there was no way I was going to go out and complain cause then I might miss something. Thankfully, I wore warmish clothes to go out...but they were not warm enough. As soon as I got home I put the kettle on and made a hot chocolate and emailed the contact person on the theatre website to complain. It was ridiculous.
Anyhow, here are my April installments of my calendars.
This is another picture of Boris when he was tiny. I just think he is the cutest dog around!

Courtney's April picture is the same as my Mum's February picture, but the layout is a little different.

My Mum's April picture is different than Courtney's but the layout is the same! This picture of the kids is taken on the way up to Inverhuron (this amazing provincial park up near Kincardine). We went through this little town on the way up there and they had these lion fountains. I remember when we used to travel with Granny and Poppa there would be all these kinds of things on the side of the road, so I had to stop and get the kids pictures taken with one.

Hope you are enjoying my calendar posts.
Chow for now,
The theater was freezing for Twilight so I bundled up for New Moon! What do you mean screaming 13 year olds? We went the first day, and we had ages 30-60 and we were all screaming...ha!
I am loving the calendars, and Boris is cute, but I am loving my Toby better. I bet they would be great friends.
Still waiting for that picture..ha!
Love ya
word of the day: imbuers
- use it in a sentence "i-m-buers when I went to see New Moon!"
Love these pages too!!!!
Love you~
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