Happy New Year!
Wow 2010....who would have thought that when we were all sitting on pins and needles for Y2K 10 years ago...that the world would still be here! Wasn't everything supposed to blow up when that ticker hit midnight on 2000!! It's hard to believe it was 10 years ago.

I spent my New Year's Eve cleaning/purging our basement. My soon to be 14 year old son has his bed room down there and well......needless to say...some things disappear and some things grow down there so it was time! We were in the middle of cleaning...watching the movie Twister.....and the hydro went out. It was off for 2.5 hours. So I came upstairs, curled up in Poppa's chair with my cat Shadow, an afghan and had a little nap! I'm glad I had Shadow and the afghan cause after 2.5 hours of the furnace not kicking on...it was getting a little chilly in the house.
Here are the March installments of my calendars.
I love this picture of Boris. It is nice and close and he looks so cute!

This is the picture that is on Courtney's calendar. It is a picture of a baby lamb that is approximately 2 hours old! They are so cute. This particular one was born in October. Before we lived in our current house, I didn't have a house large enough to have a bunch of people come and stay over for Jactopia so we had it at my Granny's house in Parkhill. Her house is only 5 minutes away from my Mum and Dad's farm, so we zipped out there to see the newborn baby lambs!!!! It was fun cause my BFF Vicki had never seen a baby lamb before and one that was as new as 2 hours old was even better!

This is the picture that is on my Mum and Dad's calendar. This is a picture of me and my two kids Jade and Joel. It was taken a few years ago. It was taken at the Grand Bend Zoo, which I am sad to say is closed. I was very sad when they closed it as this was a yearly summer trip the kids and I took. We piled our Little Tikes wagon full of lettuce and all kinds of other food specific for each type of animal and walked through and fed the animals and took lots of pictures. This particular year, my BFF Vicki and her son Johnathon were with us, which is why we were able to get a picture of me and the kids!!!! I am usually behind the camera so this does not happen very often!

Happy New Year. All the best to you and yours for 2010.
Chow for now
Happy New Year to you to Love! Just adore those calendar pages. They look great to my eye!
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