New Years Eve...
Holy cow, where did the time go? I can't believe we are about to start another year already. I remember as a kid, summer seemed to be such a long time and now it seems the kids are done school and in no time at all they are back and hitting the books again.

I hope to set some goals for 2010 and hopefully will be able to reach them.
Here is my February installment of the 3 calendars I made.
This picture is of Boris when he was still a puppy. He is such a cute dog. I think if I ever decided to get a dog I would definitely look at this breed as an option. It's a little hard to tell in the picture, but the two fire hydrants are cut out and popped up on the front of the picture. The "friend" rub on is from Stampin' Up! The hearts were punched out of various card stock and layered on the picture.

This is the February picture on Courtney's calendar. This picture is of my sister, Diana and her hubby, Jeff. I believe the picture was taken on one of their cruises. I love it, especially in black and white.

This is the February picture on my Mum's calendar. This picture was taken last year when Diana was home for a visit. We went to Markham and had supper with Courtney. It was fun. Diana and I never spent very much time all together with Courtney when she was younger, so it was very special to me to have this time with them. I love them bunches and bunches and am so proud of both of them.

Chow for now,
That was the Panama Canal cruise I think. I love the picture too and have not taken one since.
Hey I don't have that picture of us at Courtney's, can you send it to me?
I was just telling Mum Gibbs about how we have never all hung out just the 4 of us like that ever.
Love you and miss! Happy New Year!
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