Thanks to Everyone!

As most of you know from reading previous posts, we had a LARGE scare with our son Joel in November. He got very very ill and ended up being hospitalized for 11 days. You think once they start walking and talking and doing their own thing but in an instant all that can change.
Luckily, things are going well now. We still have another follow-up appointment in March and with any luck he will get a clean bill of health from them. While he was in hospital he kept a little notebook by his bedside so he could communicate. He was unable to talk while he was in hospital. As well as using this little book to communicate, he kept himself a little list of people who he wanted to send Thank You cards to when we got home.
When we got checking out the list, there were 30 people he wanted to thank. So that was my mission, should I choose to accept it!! He had already decided that I should use the Pajama Riley to make the cards. (like I needed an excuse!!) He also wanted the pajamas to be orange cause that is his favourite colour. He likes an orange, teal and blue combo...sounds odd - but we put it together once and believe it or not it looked pretty cool!
Anyhow....I made 30 of these little gems!

Joel wrote a little something in each and every card, as did I. Words cannot express how much we appreciated all the help and support we got while Joel was in the hospital. Everything from bringing me Tim Horton's, to bringing me a laptop to use, to sending balloons and toys to Joel, to coming for visits, it all meant so very much and I still get all teary and emotional when I think about it - so I will stop - don't want to run the ink....oh yeah...I'm ink....whatever!!!
Chow for now,
These are even more adorable in person and we got one in the mail!!!! Thanks you two!!!!
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