Immunity necklace????
Every once in a while the kid will come with us when we go out grocery shopping; yesterday was one of those days. It was only Joel, our 14 year old, that was home at the time so he decided to come with us. We headed to Wal-Mart cause there were a few things on sale that I needed to get. Recently our Wal-Mart has been changed to a super centre so they sell groceries too instead of just clothes and stuff. We just walked in the door and Joel started vibrating he was laughing so hard. You know how you get when you see something that just hits your funny bone - and it may not be that funny but if you have never seen it before or it's just that kind of a day it makes you laugh so hard. Well this was one of those days for Joel. He saw baby bananas.
I'll admit I have never seen baby bananas either and they are kind of cute, but something just struck him as funny and he was laughing so hard. So we grabbed the baby bananas. When we got home he said they looked like an immunity necklace and he started strutting around the house like he was someone tribal. It was funny.
As we were going through the check out, we looked over and saw these two young guys dressed up like the fellas from KISS. They looked awesome there make up and costumes were really really good. The big tall boots and everything. We have no idea why they were dressed like that....we didn't see a promotion for KISS or anything like that so who knows. After we got home, Joel said oh mom too bad we didn't have your camera we could have taken their picture and put them on the people of Wal-Mart website. Now....if you have not looked at this web site you really should - cause holy moly....there are some doozies on there! Where DO these people come from? Enjoy! chow for now Jacqui
Do they taste good??? Yep, Love the POWal website! Have a great day
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