Technology Rocks!
I remember when I was growing up we would write letters to my Granny and Poppa when we were not with them. We spent a lot of time with them, but when we were away from them, we would write them letters. We would also write letters to Mum when we were with Granny and Poppa. I still love to receive mail - preferably not bills, and I have tried to teach my kids to do the same. I'm not succeeding as well as I had hoped. I gave the kids writing paper and envelopes already addressed with Granny and my Mum's addresses so they could write them letters whenever they wanted. I'm not certain they wrote more than 1 or 2 - but I tried. Now in this age of computers, look how all this has changed. Email gets from here to another province within minutes. You can do a video chat with your friends, play games with your friends and family that lives hundreds of miles away; and you can do this all online. For this we are thankful. Last Sunday we tried our hand at Skype. I have never used it before, but basically it is an application that allows you to have video chats with people. So we put it on Jade's laptop and we had a video chat with Ines' Mom! It was fun. We had some minor technical difficulties. We could see and hear Ines' Mom, but she could only see us, she could not hear us. So we ended up calling her on the phone so we had the verbal thing going too. It was fun for all of us. I think Ines' mom was happy to see that she was safe and happy and it was nice for us to see Ines' Mom. She picked up the laptop and gave us a tour of their flat. It was comical to watch Ines' reaction, as they are getting a new kitchen and so it was completely bare and everything was piled in Ines' bedroom. Seeing Ines' mom made us more comfortable with Jade going to Germany in July. This has been a great adventure so far, and an opportunity of a lifetime. I think we were blessed when Ines walked through our door.
Here is a picture of us all chatting!

Chow for now
That sounds like fun! Hope you're feeling better
Love ya!
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