....where have I been! 

Do you ever just lose your stampin' mojo? I leave my table set up in my great room so that when I get the urge I can stamp something, but every once in a while, I just lose the mojo. It just disappears over night and usually I need someone to ask me to do something for them for my mojo to get running again. I am participating in an event with 4 of my stamping buddies. We are having a scrapbooking day on October 25th at the CAW hall in Woodstock, so I best be getting my mojo back soon! We have had our planning meetings and we know what we are going to be teaching everyone so all we need to do now is sell lots and lots of tickets and order the supplies!!!
So hopefully within the next day or two I'll post a picture of the scrapbook pages I am going to be teaching at our event!
So......I never ever watched Grey's Anatomy when it came out. I was a loyal ER fan and just didn't want to feel like a traitor to ER by watching another medical show.....which really is silly cause I watched Chicago Hope when it was on which is another medical show...but anyhow...I saw a few episodes last season and I thought why the heck have I not been watching this show, it's fabulous. So I decided to watch all the seasons from the beginning so I was all caught up when the new season starts on the 24th of September. Well, as time has that way of getting away from us, I was talking to my Mom and she mentioned that Grey's was coming back on the 24th of September. Well didn't that just put me in a panic....I had until the 24th to watch 5 seasons of Grey's Anatomy!!!

So the marathon started!!!! We (the whole family) has been on a Grey's Anatomy marathon for the last little while trying to get all the shows watched before the season premiere. I must say we are doing quite well. We will start into Season 5 tonight, so we'll certainly get it all watched before the 24th. My eyes are square from watching so much television, but it's worth it...I'm sure my eyes will go back to the way they were before..I hope.
I must say.....they say the word "seriously" an awful lot on that show! (hence the title of today's post!!)
Anyhow, I just wanted to post to let you know that I have not crawled under a rock somewhere - unless of course you call my television a rock...and I didn't really crawl under it.....but have been sitting in front of it!
Chow for now,
Today I am thankful for ......STREAMING VIDEO on the Internet!!!

Welcome back ... was getting a bit worried about you! LOL
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