A New Month...some new chapters start .....
Well it's a new month so that means a new blog background! I try to do that at the beginning of each month....for a couple different reasons...A. to keep things fresh and new....and B. so I don't forget how to do it!!

What a crazy last few weeks it has been. We spent some time up north and then when we got home from there my daughter decided to throw a surprise birthday party for her dad. He turned 50 this year, as you saw in my previous post. I cannot believe how organized and how focused my daughter can be at 15. She planned a great party. She was a little disappointed with the number of people who showed up. She spent the better part of a day calling people and letting them know of the party and she sensed that they were going to be coming and the turn out was not what we had hoped for. The good thing was though that her dad had no idea about it and it was a surprise. He had a good time and was impressed by the amount of work and planning she put into the party, so from that aspect it was a success. The kids both bought Joe a badge to wear at the party!

We didn't take too many pictures, but here's the cake! I decided on carrot cake instead of chocolate or vanilla. I figured it might go better with beer - and luckily it was the right choice..I'm not sure if it goes good with beer....but the people who were there were glad it was carrot!

I cannot believe I have not even picked up a stamp in probably a month. I have a bunch of things to work on and get completed, so I best be getting my butt in gear.
I'm finding it hard to believe it is September already. My kids head back to school next Tuesday. How is it possible that I have a daughter going into Grade 10 and a son going into Grade 8. I was talking to a friend of mine whose wife is pregnant and we were talking about childbirth and delivery and just the whole thing, and I can remember it like it was just yesterday, so how did I go from there to high school and the last year of public school. How do I have a husband who is 50?!!? I don't know about you, but I don't really feel a whole lot different than I did when I was 20. Yeah sure I'm dragging around some extra weight than I had back then, but I still watch the movies Dirty Dancing and Footloose every time they come on television, I still love to read Harry Potter and some Judy Blume!
Oh well, I guess they say you are only as old as you feel, so I'm doing okay! (Typing just got a little harder here as Shadow has jumped up on my lap and has decided to lay down with her front paws and head resting on my left hand)
Well I am gonna sign off, as my hubby just asked me if I would like to go down to the park and watch a baseball game with him. We haven't done that together in ages.
Today I am thankful for......all the people who came out to Joe's surprise party.
Chow for now
Glad to hear that the party went well and that HE WAS SURPRISED!!!
SO sorry that I couldn't be there.
Love ya!
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