So October 13th was my second day here in Arizona! It started out with a photo shoot of the girls!
Diana brought each one of the girls in by themselves
and set them on a little towel on the table and we had a look at them to see how they were changing. I can't believe how fast they change from day to day. They have changed since I have been here. Eric says they are getting fat! This is Aunt Bea. She tends to sit by herself in the brooder - kind of a loaner I guess - but I told Diana that it's because she has an "old lady" name so she is sitting all by her lonesome away from the young chicks!!
I had the camera sitting on the table and she walked up close to the camera so I snapped a picture of her feet!
This is Polly. I think she is my favorite so far. She is getting some really interesting feathers and colors. The first day I saw her and she only had about 2 of those feathers at the base of her neck - look how many she has now!
I love the way she just sat right down - like she was gonna roost and lay me an egg right there on the kitchen table!
Later we had to go and do some shopping! Here is Diana driving us to our shopping destination!
There is a very nice view out the front windshield of the Nitro!!!!
This is a fountain at the corner of one of the intersections we stopped at!
I should have rolled the window down, but I thought it was pretty and wanted to get a shot of it! We went to Home goods which is a part of TJ Maxx, which apparently is the same corporation that has Home Sense and Winners in Canada! I got some "gifts" at this store!!!! Then we went into Room Rack and I got me some running shoes and some other little fun shoes. I hope these runners are comfortable a lot longer than my other darn shoes. They felt comfortable walking around the store with them on. We window shopped in a couple others shops as well.
Then we went into a Dick's Sporting goods store. I am trying to find a good sturdy stadium seat for Joel's upcoming volleyball season. Those bleachers hurt my arse and my hips by the end of the day. We stopped at Geno's for lunch.
We got Gyro's - they were delish!!!!! When I was out shopping I bought Toby a new play toy.
He seemed to like it and carried it around the house with him for a while and growled at it and played with it!
Later Diana and I came out in her studio and did a little bit of work. It's such a nice place to create!!!! Here are a couple shots of her studio.
I am having a blast and cannot thank Jade enough for making this trip possible for me. I truly do have the best daughter in the world. Miss ya kiddo. Chow for now, Jacqui
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