Down Days....
Well to be honest, the last few days have been crappy. Friday, Joel had a basketball tournament that started right after school in Strathroy. Normally, this would not be a problem, except that Jade had a volleyball tournament at Medway, right after school. So arrangements had to be made to have Mr. Fletcher (Joel's coach) bring Joel to Medway after the game was finished in Strathroy. (Thanks Fletch!). We did not get home until 11:00 pm on Friday night, only to find out we had to have Joel in Strathroy at 8:30 AM for his game on Saturday. I played tug of war with Charlie a little bit when we got home cause she just loves that..and well...she is one strong dog and she pulled something out or twisted something or whatever, cause I have not been able to move my neck without pain since Friday night. We got up and got Joel over to his game in Strathroy for 8:30 AM in spite of the nasty freezing rain and windy weather - it was a brutal drive. Unfortunately they lost their game and that put their next game time at 3:00 pm. Well as much as I like the town of Strathroy, I was not going to stick around until 3:00, so we went back home. I laid down and had a bit of a nap hoping it would help my neck a bit - didn't. I did get some rest, but the pain was still there. But off to basketball we went again. They lost that game as well, so the tournament was over for our juniors. I'll be honest and say I was somewhat relieved cause I was quite uncomfortable sitting on those bleachers with a killer neck. On the drive home I was chewing a piece of gum and crunched into something rather hard. guessed it....tooth - my dang tooth broke - this was the one that I just recently got fixed at the I guess I will be making a trip back to see them soon. Sunday was pretty much a couch potato day, I tried heat, massage, Ibuprofen and nothing was relieving anything. I took a few naps on Sunday as well. Monday came and off to work I go. My neck was still quite painful, but I was hoping that a day at work would take my mind off of it. (not so much). Then Joe called to see if our CAA was all paid up cause he had to get the van towed to the shop cause something was not working right which made a hose blow off, which put water on something water is not to go on which wrecked something else (who knows ). So the van made it in to Lewis's garage for a fix up and Dave thankfully let Joe bring the other truck home for the evening. I got virtually no sleep at all on Monday night cause of my neck and Tuesday when I got up the pain was just as bad and I was exhausted. So I called in sick to work and cracked out the heat again. Joe got done work early and came home and massaged and massaged and it is feeling a bit better today - better enough that I got some sleep last night anyway. The van is all fixed and I hope my neck is on the hopefully the next few days will go better. While I was at home though, I started watching Glee.
I can't believe it took me so long to start watching this show. It is AWESOME. It is so nice to see a show that lets kids who are different than the main stream excel at something. It teaches some great lessons and is funny too. Most of the episodes crack me up, but I must say the episode where Sue (the nasty Cheerios coach) took a down syndrome girl onto the cheer leading team had me crying. That was quite the twist when we saw that hard-ass Sue has a down syndrome sister. If you have not watched this show, you should. It's great.
The characters are great and have such a great chemistry. Mr. Schuster ( he's a cutie - with a wacky wife!) Sue (she is a hard-ass coach and oh my she makes some comments that are just plain wrong, but she adds a great comic addition to the show) Rachel (the very talented female with the gay dads), Kurt ( the very talented boy who told his very macho dad that he was gay, that was a very moving episode as well good on ya Glee, for making his dad very accepting), Tina ( the girl with the stutter - although we come to find out she was faking much to Artie's dismay) Artie ( the fella in the wheelchair - man oh man he looks like he could be the brother of the fella from Big Bang Theory), Finn (what a cutie - that Quinn better tell him he is not her baby daddy) and I cannot for the life of me remember this girls name but she is hilarious and brings in a nice addition of comments with her black roots and her large size. I am LOVIN' this show!
Chow for now,

Chow for now,
Hope you're feeling better soon hunni.......that sounds painful!
Hugs to you
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