Wednesday Weigh In....and a Goodbye day....
Well I'm proud to report I am down another 3 pounds this week, bringing my grand total to 21 pounds so far! It's coming...but it is just such a long process. I still have not got to the "exercising" part of my life...I am such a procrastinator!!!! But I hope to soon. We are going to get the garage all set up with the weight machine and the gazelle and we have an extra TV and DVD player so maybe we'll do some yoga and Pilates out there too! I'll have to get some mats might be a bit chilly on the garage floor! And just as an aside daughter has decided to watch what she is eating as well and she is down 6 pounds this week!!! Way to go Jade! Today is Take Your Kid to Work day. This is an event for Grade 9 students to attend work with their parent to see the various careers that are available to them. Jade came with me when she was in Grade 9 and she loved the sessions that my workplace set up for them. They have changed the format this year, so I hope it is as good for Joel. I'm sure getting up at 4:00 AM this morning he had other ideas than any career that starts at that time, but he is a pretty good morning kid so he's doing okay. I whipped him up a breakfast burrito so he had a good healthy breakfast to get him started. An apple and a Nutri-grain bar tucked in my bag for his snack later and he should be good to go for the day! I promise to try and get some cards and stuff posted in the next day or two - We've been busy with volleyball, and dentist appointments and more volleyball....but I'm counting the days to next week. Jade and Joel and I are going on a road trip on Wednesday after school/work to Kingston.....oh yeah.....ya know what's in BFF Vicki!!!! I can hardly wait. I haven't been up there since April, and the kids have not been there since 2007 when Joel got sick. I need to put some projects together so I can get some work done when we are there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we wont' have a blizzard before we go! Today is a bit of a sad day for me as well. My very dear friend Joan is retiring today.
I cannot believe her last day is today. I remember, it seemed forever ago, she was talking about retirement and how many pay periods she had left! It's so hard to believe that today is finally the day. I wish her the best of luck. She is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She has been there for me on numerous occasions just to talk and to "hash" things out. She tells it to me straight and that is one of the things I love about her. I will miss her more than she will ever know. Congratulations on your retirement Joan, best wishes for this next stage of your life! Chow for now, Jacqui

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