My Babies!!
Well first off, my class went well last night. All the ladies that came loved the projects and I was happy to see them going outside the box and adding their own touch to the projects. That is one of the things I love about stamping and scrapbooking, everyone can do their own thing and there is no right and wrong! It is interesting to see how some people have to follow every instruction right down to the letter and others add a little of this, or turn that just so, or totally eliminate, or add a little something. I love to see what people come up with when given the same set of supplies.
Thanks to all those who have posted comments as well as to those who took the time to email me about my blog and about my projects. I appreciate that you have taken the time to have a look and have taken even more time to comment!!!! Many of you thought the little kitty on my scrapbook page sample was mine. Nope, she was a guest for a few days. So I thought today I would share a picture of my babies!!!

Just a short post tonight,
chow for now
I love your kitties..... They are so precious... but why do you feed them sponges??? LOL Hugs, Jenn
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